All accommodations and programming will be at [Location]. You're responsible to your own transportation to the location. Please take public transit or coordinate shared Ubers whenever possible.
Type /embed and a google maps link
- From [Area1], coordinate [recommended transportation method] with [Organizer]
- From [Area 2], take [recommended transportation method.]
Arrivals/Departures Timing
- The first program is at [Time on Day Date]. Please arrive by then, and let [Primary organizer] know if you need to come later.
- The last program is at [Time on Day Date], and we will coordinate shared rides home after it.
- See the rest of the schedule here: Schedule
- We'll reimburse reasonable transporation costs such as train tickets or Ubers to/from the venue. Get reimbursed here: Reimbursement Info
Have a question? Contact the organizers here.